Consistent and Persistent Digital Marketing

The Key to Building a Successful Online Presence

Consistent and persistent online marketing is essential for any business that wants to succeed in today’s marketplace.

In a hyper competitive environment, it’s hard to stay top of mind. You can. though, if you’re consistent with your marketing message, and you follow-up and stay in contact with your leads and customers.

This article covers the why, how, and challenges related to consistency and persistence with your online marketing.

Key Takeaways

  • Consistent marketing means delivering a clear and consistent message to your audience across all channels, and doing so regularly over time.

  • Consistency is important because it helps to establish your brand and build trust with your audience.

  • Persistence relates to the type of marketing assets being created, as wells as regularly following up with prospects.

The Importance of Consistency …

Consistency is key in online marketing. It sets the tone for your entire marketing strategy – enabling you to:

  • achieve brand recognition,
  • build customer trust, and
  • improve your SEO.

Brand Recognition

Consistency in your branding develops brand recognition.

Your brand is more than just your logo; it’s the entire experience that your customers have with your business.

Using the same colors, fonts, and messaging across all your digital channels creates a cohesive brand identity that is easily recognizable. This helps you stand out from your bland competitors.

Customer Trust

Consistency also plays a crucial role in building customer trust.

When your customers know what to expect from your brand, they are more likely to trust you. Consistency in messaging and branding helps you establish a strong reputation, and build credibility with your audience.

Customers are more likely to do business with a brand they trust, so consistency is key to building long-term relationships with your customers.

Improved SEO

Google rewards websites that have consistent, high-quality content. Regularly publishing relevant and valuable content improves your search engine rankings.

Systematically building backlinks is also essential for improving your search engine rankings.

The Importance of Persistence …

Persistence is often used to refer to the online entrepreneur ‘sticking with it’ during hard times. That type of persistence is obviously important. But the term can also refer to two other areas:

  • Relentless follow-ups with leads, and

  • The durability of your content assets.

Here are a few reasons why persistence is important:

Lead and Customer Engagement

How persistently do you follow up with leads?

Many sales staff follow up with leads 2, maybe 3 times. Sales experts recommend following up 8 – 10 times. Very few people in sales do this, which is why persistent sales people earn significantly higher commissions than their average colleagues.

Staying engaged with your audience via persistent emails and content is also crucial for building relationships and driving sales. This includes responding to comments and messages – showing your audience that you value their input, and are committed to providing excellent customer service.

Persistent Value of Content Types

Different types of content can provide different benefits to your business. For example, blog posts can help increase website traffic and establish your brand as a thought leader in your industry. Social media posts can help build relationships with your audience and increase brand awareness. By consistently producing a variety of content types, you can reap the benefits of each and build a well-rounded digital marketing strategy.

Strategies for Consistent and Persistent Digital Marketing

You need to have a clear and well-defined strategy that should be aligned with your business goals, and should be flexible enough to adapt to changes in the market.

There are three key strategies that can help you achieve consistent and persistent digital marketing:

  • content marketing,

  • social media marketing, and

  • email marketing.

Content Marketing

Content marketing builds brand awareness, increases engagement, and drives conversions. You need to focus on creating high-quality, relevant, and engaging content that resonates with your target audience.

Steps to create a successful content marketing strategy:

  • Define your target audience and understand their needs and preferences.

  • Create a content calendar to ensure a consistent flow of content.

  • Use a mix of different content formats, such as blog posts, video marketing, infographics, and podcasts.

  • Optimize your content for search engines to increase visibility and traffic.

  • Promote your content on social media and other relevant channels.

Social Media Marketing

Social media marketing is another powerful tool for building brand awareness, increasing engagement, and driving conversions.

Here are some tips for creating a successful social media marketing strategy:

  • Choose the right social media platforms based on your target audience and business goals.

  • Create a consistent brand voice and visual identity across all social media channels.

  • Engage with your audience by responding to comments and messages.

  • Use social media analytics to track your performance and adjust your strategy accordingly.

  • Use paid social media advertising to increase visibility and reach.

Email Marketing

Email marketing is one of the most effective ways to reach your target audience and drive conversions.

Here are some tips for creating a successful email marketing strategy:

  • Segment your email list based on demographics, behavior, and preferences.

  • Use a clear and compelling subject line to increase open rates.

  • Personalize your emails with the recipient’s name and other relevant information.

  • Use a mix of different email formats, such as newsletters, promotional emails, and transactional emails.

  • Use email analytics to track your performance and adjust your strategy accordingly.

Execution Challenges

Here are a few challenges you may encounter and how to overcome them.

Automate to be Consistent and Persistent

One of the biggest challenges is the sheer volume of work that needs to be done. It can be overwhelming to keep up with all the

  • social media posts,

  • blog articles,

  • email newsletters, and

  • other content

that needs to be created and published on a regular basis.

Consider automating some of your tasks:

  • You can use a social media scheduling tool to schedule posts in advance.

  • You can also use email marketing software to automate your email campaigns.

By automating some of your tasks, you can free up time to focus on creating high-quality content that will engage your audience.

Schedules Guarantee Consistency

It’s easy to get sidetracked by other tasks and put off creating content until the last minute. This can lead to inconsistent posting and a lack of persistence.

To overcome this, create a schedule and stick to it:

  • Set aside specific times each week to create and publish content.

  • Use a content calendar to plan out your content in advance.

This will help you stay organized and ensure that you’re consistently publishing content that is relevant and valuable to your audience.

Measuring the Impact of Your Efforts

Measurement is crucial to understanding the effectiveness of your campaigns.

Without proper measurement, you can’t identify what’s working and what’s not. And in turn, you won’t be able to make informed decisions about where to invest your marketing budget.

Here are some key metrics to consider …

Website Traffic

Your website traffic is a good indicator of how effective your digital marketing campaigns are.

Tracking your website traffic over time helps you see whether your campaigns are driving more visitors to your site.

Tools like Google Analytics help track where your traffic is coming from, which helps identify which campaigns are driving the most traffic.

Conversion Rates

Conversion rates measure how many website visitors take specific actions, such as:

  • making a purchase, or

  • filling out a contact form.

Tracking conversion rates helps you identify which campaigns are driving your conversions.

Cost per Acquisition

Cost per acquisition (CPA) measures how much it costs you to acquire a new customer or lead.

Tracking your CPA over time helps you see whether your campaigns are becoming more or less efficient at acquiring new customers.

You can use this information to identify where to reduce your costs and improve your ROI.

Wrapping Up

Consistency and persistence are key to successful digital marketing.

You need to have a clear understanding of your brand voice and messaging. All of your content should be aligned with your brand values and communicate a consistent message. Use a content calendar to plan out your content in advance and ensure that you are publishing on a regular schedule.

Persistence entails remaining in contact and nurturing leads into customers. You can set yourself apart from your competitors by following up in line with the best performers in sales.

Digital marketing is a long-term strategy – requiring both consistency and persistent. Keep pushing forward and experimenting with new tactics to see what works best for your brand. Use tracking to enable you to assess your results, and make data-driven decisions about your marketing strategy.